BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170218T000000Z DTEND:20170218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="background-color: initial\;">Objects are often sai d to be &ldquo\;mute&rdquo\; witnesses to history. In this slide presentat ion\, Nancy Ukai will&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: initial\;">exp lore some of the stories that she discovered in her research on objects in the Eaton collection of&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: initial\;"> Japanese American camp artifacts. The items\, which include barrack namepl ates\, furniture\, paintings\,&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: initi al\;">photographs and carvings\, were separated from the community for mor e than 70 years after they were&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: init ial\;">collected by crafts scholar Allen H. Eaton in 1945 as the camps wer e closing. Eaton wanted to mount an&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: initial\;">exhibition but never did\, and the objects which were handed do wn to his daughter and then to a&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: ini tial\;">contractor&rsquo\;s family\, came on the mark et for the first tim e in 2015. After a nationwide protest by&nbsp\; <span style="background-co lor: initial\;">Japanese Americans\, including JAMsj\, who criticized the priv ate profiting off works that represented&nbsp\; <span style="backgrou nd-color: initial\;">suffering and injustice\, the auction was cancelled. The collection was later acquired by the Japanese&nbsp\; <span style="back ground-color: initial\;">American National Museum in Los Angeles.\n<span s tyle="background-color: initial\;">\n\nThe date of this lecture marks the day before the 75th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order&nbsp\;<s pan style="background-color: initial\;">9066\, on Feb. 19\, 1942\, as well as the 65th anniv ersary of the publication of Eaton&rsquo\;s book\, &ldq uo\;Beauty Behind&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: initial\;">Barbed Wire: the Arts of the Japanese in Our War Relocation Camps.&rdquo\;\n \n \ n<strong>NANCY UKAI</strong> is a writer and researcher based in Berkeley. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz\, she lived&nbsp\;<span style="backgr ound-color: initial\;">in Japan for 14 years\, working as a Fulbright Engl ish Fellow\, a weaving apprentice at a Buddhist temple\,&nbsp\; <span styl e="background-color: initial\;">and as a journalist for Newsweek and the A sahi newspaper in Tokyo.\n<strong>Costs:</strong> &nbsp\;Free with admissi on to the museum (nonmembers\, $5\;&nbsp\;students (with valid ID) and se niors over age 65\, $3\; &nbsp\;JAMsj members and children 5 and under\, free).\n\n<strong>RSVP:</strong> &nbsp\;Seating is limited. Contact&nbsp\; <a href=""></a> &nb sp\;or&nbsp\;call (408) 294-3138 to reserve a spot. DTSTAMP:20241010T164055Z SUMMARY:No Longer Silent: Uncovering the Stories Behind the Eaton Artifacts URL:/en/events/2017/02/18/no-longer-silent-uncovering-the-stories-behind-th / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR