BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170322T000000Z DTEND:20170322T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Creative director<strong> Kashiwa Sato</strong>\, the mind behi nd Uniqlo&rsquo\;s distinctive red and white logo\, comes to Japan Society to discuss his transformative approach to branding strategy\, which he ca lls &lsquo\;iconic branding.&rsquo\; Drawing on traditional Japanese desig n concepts and infusing them with a modern perspective\, Sato crafts a bra nd&rsquo\;s identity from start to finish. His clever\, streamlined design s are renowned for their ability to capture the essence of a subject and t ranslate it into a visual medium. His branding projects have included Seve n Eleven\, the CUPNOODLES Museum in Yokohama\, and the Honda &lsquo\;N&rsq uo\; series. His most recent projects\, centering on Arita porcelain and k abuki name-taking ceremonies\, inject fresh\, innovative designs into cent uries-old Japanese traditions. <em>Followed by a reception.</em>\n DTSTAMP:20241205T064634Z SUMMARY:Iconic Branding: Insights from Design Maven Kashiwa Sato URL:/en/events/2017/03/22/iconic-branding-insights-from-design-maven-kashiw / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR