BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150417T000000Z DTEND:20150417T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Wednesday\, April 15 &ndash\; Sunday\, May 3\, 2015\n\n<strong> HOLD THESE TRUTHS\n The Journey of Gordon Hirabayashi\n </strong> A solo p lay by <strong>Jeanne Sakata\n </strong>\n\nstarring <strong>Blake Kushi\n </strong>\n<em>Hold These Truths</em> &nbsp\;is based on the true story o f Gordon Hirabayashi\, an American sociologist best known for his principl ed resistance to the Japanese-American internment during WWII. Jeanne Saka ta&rsquo\;s script was inspired by hours of interviews with Mr. Hirabyashi and several of his friends from the 1940s.\n\n&ldquo\;Gordon Hirabayashi should be a household name\, like Rosa Parks\,&rdquo\; said CVRep Artistic Director\, Ron Celona. &ldquo\;When I saw HOLD THESE TRUTHS several years ago\, I knew this was a story that must be told\, and that I would one da y bring it to the Coachella Valley\, It was the inspiration for this seaso n&rsquo\;s theme of The American Melting Pot\,&rdquo\; Celona explains.\n\ nIn May 2012\, Gordon Hirabayashi was posthumously awarded our nation&rsqu o\;s highest civilian honor\, The Presiential Medal of Freedom.\n\nShow ti mes are <strong>7:30 p.m.\, Wednesday through Saturday</strong> \, with ma tinees at <strong>2:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday</strong> .\n\n<em>For m ore information and to purchase tickets\, visit the Coachella Valley Reper tory Theatre's home page at:</em> &nbsp\; <span style="color: #0066cc\;">< a href=""><span style="color: #0066cc\;"> / </a> DTSTAMP:20241012T043206Z SUMMARY:PLAY: Hold These Truths - The Journey of Gordon Hirabayashi URL:/en/events/2015/04/17/play-hold-these-truths-the-journey-of-gordon-h/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR