BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150411T000000Z DTEND:20150607T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Photographs by Leslie Hossack explore the experience of Japanes e Canadians during World War II when they were registered\, rounded up and removed. REGISTERED includes newspaper clippings from the 1940s\, authent ic registration cards\, and interpretive photographs of buildings where th e story unfolded. This exhibition\, which looks at the people\, the places and the press\, has recently shown at the Shenkman Arts Centre in Ottawa. Leslie Hossack has previously completed major studies of iconic architect ure in Paris\, Berlin\, Jerusalem\, Moscow\, Kosovo and London.\n\nSponsor ed by the BC Arts Council and the Government of British Columbia.\n\nHours : Tue-Sun\, 11am-5pm.\n\nGallery admission by donation.\n\n&nbsp\;\n\n<str ong>PUBLIC PROGRAMS</strong>\n<span style="text-decoration: underline\;">O pening Reception\n\nSaturday\, April 11\, 3-5pm\n\nConversation with Lesli e Hossack and photographer Stephen Waddell at 3:30pm.\n\nGallery admission by donation.\n\n \n\n<span style="text-decoration: underline\;"> Gallery Tour\n\nSaturday\, April 18\, 2015\, 2pm\n\nJoin photographer Leslie Hossa ck in the gallery during Celebrate Spring.\n\nGallery admission by donatio n.\n\n \n\n<span style="text-decoration: underline\;">Walking Tours\n\nVis it sites that appear in the Registered exhibit on two walking tours. The P owell Street Walking Tour on Saturday\, May 16\, 10am-12:00pm guides you a round Powell Street where Japanese Canadians lived and worked before the w ar\, and includes the Maikawa Store\, Tamura Building and the Japanese Lan guage School &amp\; Japanese Hall. The Hastings Park Walking Tour on Satur day\, May 23\, 10am-12:00pm introduces you to the early days of Japanese C anadian internment and the Hastings Park commemoration project\; this tour includes buildings which were used for the men&rsquo\;s and women&rsquo\; s dorms\, and children&rsquo\;s classrooms. Registration required: $10\, M embers $8 + gst.\n DTSTAMP:20240911T161105Z SUMMARY:Registered URL:/en/events/2015/04/11/registered/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR