BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140619T000000Z DTEND:20140622T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In 1942\, close to 13\,000 people of Japanese-ancestry\, many of whom were American citizens\, were removed from their homes in the Pac ific Northwest and sent to a desolate &ldquo\;incarceration camp&quot\; n ear Twin Falls\, Idaho. \n \n This summer\, the 11th pilgrimage will tak e place with former incarcerees\, their families\, and friends - from Sea ttle\, Portland and across the nation - to the former Minidoka Camp in Id aho.&nbsp\; This is an opportunity to learn\, share memories\, and ask qu estions about the Minidoka experience.&nbsp\; Consider participating as a way to bring your family together and reconnect with friends.&nbsp\; Par ticipation is limited.\n \n Dates: Thursday\, June 19\, 2014 to Sunday\, J une 22\, 2014\n \n registration and more information can be found at <a hr ef="" target="_blank">www.minidokapilgri</a> DTSTAMP:20240913T054946Z SUMMARY:Minidoka Pilgrimage to Minidoka Incarceration Camp in Idaho URL:/en/events/2014/06/19/minidoka-pilgrimage-to-minidoka-incarceration-cam p/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR