BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140405T000000Z DTEND:20140405T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Prof. Lane Hirabayashi\, co-author with James Hirabayashi\, wil l read and talk about his uncie Gordon Hirabayashi's fight and trial to pr otest the incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII. &nbsp\;The auth ors used the diaries of Gordon along with personal conversations in Gordon 's voice\, which delivers a compelling story.\n\nActor Johnny Kwon will do a brief dramatization from "Our American Voice\," among 6 sketches presen ted at JANM in collaboration with East West Players to complement the trav eling Smithsonian exhibit\, "I Want the Wide American Earth" in Sept and O ct of 2013. &nbsp\;He portrays Gordon as a college student when curfew was imposed. The sketch was written by actor/playwright Jeanne Sakata.\n\nPre sented by the Japanese American Historical Society of Southern California and the Torrance Public Library on Saturday\, April 5\, 2014\, 1 to 3 pm\, at the Katy Geissert Civic Center Library\, 3301 Torrance Bl.\, Torrance 90503.\n\nFree. Open to the public.\n\nHeritage Source will have books ava ilable for sale. DTSTAMP:20241003T112626Z SUMMARY:"A Principled Stand: Hirabayashi v. United States" URL:/en/events/2014/04/05/a-principled-stand-hirabayashi-v-united-states/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR