BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131123T000000Z DTEND:20131123T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Terry Watada&rsquo\;s&nbsp\;Nikkei Manga-gatari<em>\,&nbsp\;</e m> <strong><em>The Sword\, the Medal and the Rosary</em> </strong> book la unch at<strong> </strong> Nikkei National Museum &amp\; Cultural Centre\, 2:00 &ndash\; 3:00 pm\, Saturday\, November 23\, 2013.\n\nOn Saturday\, No vember 23\, 2013\, the literAsian Festival in association with the Japane se Canadian Citizens Association of Greater Vancouver\, Asian Canadian Wr iters Workshop and <em>Ricepaper Magazine</em> \, will launch Terry Watada &rsquo\;s manga <strong><em>The Sword\, the Medal and the Rosary</em> </st rong> (HpF Press and the NAJC\, Toronto ON 2013).\n\n<strong><em>The Sword \, the Medal and the Rosary</em> </strong> is based on the life and times of Yasuo Takashima\, a first generation Japanese Canadian (<em>Issei</em> ) who fought in WWI and suffered the internment during WWII despite his service and heroism.&nbsp\; The story illuminates the man&rsquo\;s exploit s through the major events of Japanese Canadian history.&nbsp\; Through t he Vancouver Race Riots in 1907\, Takashima carried a sword to fight off the rioters.&nbsp\; He was decorated with the Military Medal for bravery in WWI.&nbsp\; Through a poignant love affair with a Parisian woman\, he obtained a rosary as a memento of their love.&nbsp\; He carried these thr ee artifacts throughout his life.&nbsp\; On his deathbed\, he suffered on e last indignity which is emblematic of the Japanese Canadian experience. \n\nTerry Watada is a writer of novels\, short stories\, poems\, plays\, histories and biographies.&nbsp\; He has several books in print.&nbsp\; Af ter writing a monthly column for the <em>Nikkei Voice</em> through its fi rst 25 years\, he contributes a monthly column in the National Section of the <em>Bulletin Magazine</em> .&nbsp\; He is proud to provide the stories for the planned three volume <em>Nikkei Manga-gatari</em> series.<strong> <em>&nbsp\; The Sword\, the Medal and the Rosary</em> </strong> is the fir st.\n\nKenji Iwata is an illustrator and designer based in Toronto.&nbsp\; He is skilled in traditional and digital media\, including animation\, c omputer graphics and storyboards.&nbsp\; He has learned a great deal abou t his own history and Japanese Canadian culture through this project.\n\n <strong>The launch will be held at the Nikkei National Museum &amp\; Cult ural Centre\, 6688 Southoaks Cres.\, Burnaby BC from 2:00 &ndash\; 3:00 pm .&nbsp\; Admission is free.&nbsp\; Terry Watada will be in attendance wit h copies to sign and sell ($10.00 per copy\, tax included). </strong>\n<s trong>This event is hosted by the Nikkei National Museum Book Store and al l proceeds will go towards the Museum. </strong> DTSTAMP:20241207T123802Z SUMMARY:Terry Watada’s Nikkei Manga-gatari book launch URL:/en/events/2013/11/23/terry-watadas-nikkei-manga-gatari-book-launch/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR