BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131004T000000Z DTEND:20131004T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Redress Film Night is a complementary addition to the exhib it Fighting for Japanese Canadian Redress (1977-88)\, which opens on Sept. 22\, 2013 at the Nikkei National Museum.\n\nNikkei National Museum and Cu ltural Centre\n6688 Southoaks Crescent\nBurnaby\, BC\, V5E 4M7\n604.777.70 00 |\n\nFriday\, October 4\, 7pm\n\nAdmission: $3 memb ers &amp\; seniors | $5 regular\n\n<strong>SAIKI: REGENERATION</strong>&nb sp\;(35 minutes\, 1998) introduces various arts and community projects fun ded by the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation&rsquo\;s community develop ment fund in the first decade since redress. It demonstrates how the funds were used and gives insight into the impact the projects had for the comm unities. Directed\, written and produced by Mieko Ouchi.\n\n<strong>A SORR Y STATE</strong>&nbsp\;(47 minutes\, 2013) With three Canadian government apologies to his parents and stepparents for past racist actions\, filmmak er Mitch Miyagawa may have the most apologized-to family in the world. But can saying &ldquo\;sorry&rdquo\; fix past atrocities and heal victims&rsq uo\; pain? DTSTAMP:20241005T133502Z SUMMARY:Redress Film Night URL:/en/events/2013/10/04/redress-film-night/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR