BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130914T000000Z DTEND:20130914T000000Z DESCRIPTION:As a non-profit corporation\, Midori Kai\, Inc. reserves 100% of the profits from the boutique for awards to non-profit recipients\, and each year\, a portion of the boutique proceeds are donated to select ed non-profit organizations for a two-year period. Our 2012 event will aw ard grants to the following non-profit organization:\n\n<ul><li>Asian Am ericans for Community Involvement</li><li>Japanese American Museum of San Jose</li><li>National Japanese American Historical Society - Military Inte lligence Service Historic Learning Center</li><li>Yu-Ai Kai</li></ul>\n\nE ntertainment\n\n<pre>10am Lotus PreSchool Singers\n11:00-12 :30 June Kuramoto CD Signing\n2:00 Wesley Ukulele Ba nd</pre>\n\n<pre>Raffle:\nJohn Madden signed football!\nBasketball\, donat ed by the Golden State Warriors\, was signed by \nWarriors Coach Mark Jack son. </pre>\n\n<pre>More information: ml</pre> DTSTAMP:20240920T182207Z SUMMARY:Midori Kai Arts &amp\; Crafts Boutique URL:/en/events/2013/09/14/midori-kai-arts-amp-crafts-boutique/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR