BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130803T000000Z DTEND:20130803T000000Z DESCRIPTION:At first denigrated and mistrusted\, America's Nisei veterans\, now in their 80s and 90s\, earned the praise of a nation\, and ultimately \, a Congressional Gold Medal\, America's highest civilian honor.\n\nAutho r and photographer Tom Graves shares the lives of Japanese American vetera ns before\, during\, and after WWII. Graves spent a decade collecting the veterans' stories. During this period\, he spent thousands of hours interv iewing scores of veterans around the country and then translated the resul ts into individual stories of the human spirit. In<em>Twice Heroes</em>\, each black-and-white portrait (there are 98 in the oversize book) introduc es us to a veteran. The corresponding interview reveals a story of growing up in a racist America\, fighting for the same country against foreign en emies as young men at war\, and looking back as old men with the wisdom of their years.\n\nWhat readers are saying about<em> Twice Heroes: America' s Nisei Veterans of WWII and Korea</em>:\n \n<em></em>\n<em>"This book ad ds an important chapter to the history of the World War II era in which so me proud Americans suffered discrimination and internment simply because o f their Japanese ancestry.  ...The interviews Tom Graves has compiled go a long way to help us understand how wartime hysteria can make governments make poor decisions."   -</em> Lt. Gen. Lawrence Snowden\, USMC retire d  \n\n<em> </em>\n<em>"Tom Graves' work adds a rich dimension to an ext raordinary story -- that of the Nisei veteran in WWII and Korea. Through h is portraits and their words\, he provides memorable insights into the Nis ei record and legacy of loyalty and courage. A worthy tribute to these rem arkable men."</em>\n<em>-</em> Gen. David A. Bramlett\,  U.S. Army retir ed  \n\n<em>\n"The physical beauty of the photos and your gentle but pow erful narratives touched me deeply. Knowing so many of the guys and knowin g that some like Mr. Asai have passed away made the experience difficult. But becoming emotional is evidence that you did your job well. Thank you s o much for documenting their stories\, their American stories\, into this incredible and beautiful book.</em>"<em>  -</em> Ellen Sawamura\, Nation al Japanese American Historical Society\n\n<em> </em>\n<em>"Tom Graves' i nterviews of the Nisei reveal their patriotism\, honor\, and pride as a pe ople. Vividly honest and deeply moving."</em><em>  - </em>VFW Commander- in-Chief Rich DeNoyer\, 2011-12\n\n<em>"Wow\, to say it's a great book is not doing it justice. It truly is a keepsake for all generations."</em>\n< em>- </em>Susan Uyemura\, CEO\, president\, and oral historian\, Japanese American Living Legacy \n\n<em><strong>Tom Graves</strong> is a member of the JACL\, the USMC Combat Correspondents Association\, and the USS San Francisco CA-38 Memorial Foundation\, as well as being on the board of di rectors of the 99th Infantry Battalion Educational Foundation. His book Tw ice Heroes is available at the Japanese American Museum of San Jose (<a hr ef=" Ftn.jsp%3Fe%3D001PeKSP9XfuNTz_pdRmPpHnUjaLITZ0f29Vo6p94g2ZdBTQTu0wgp6PL58K Q1e3vXSmlyjKV9PjHPc4DnwC2WcHqZnrybgscGS0IqKHxbyRPtcbUbOOIxlEA%3D%3D&amp\;l ang=en" target="_blank"></a>)\, and at </em><a href="https:/ / %3D001PeKSP9XfuNTt5Uc-6ooPWhUyQDvUw9fh3AgfQqQhLv0y9-2nU-FnfaqYONMDwUKUo-Mj 83erYTpGgCbbTv5JoXvG7oXMRPH3dEPg8Giijwr65WfHe4_fEQ%3D%3D&amp\;lang=en" tar get="_blank"></a>.\n\nCost: Free with admission to the museum (non-members\, $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj m embers and children under 12\, free).  \n\n \nContact <a href="http:// p\;messageId=MTImKCS0Wy89KBK%2FDG9ufilhZkXJKli7&amp\;purpose=display&amp\; bodyType=htmlNoExternals"></a> or call (408) 294- 3138 to reserve a spot. DTSTAMP:20250114T125445Z SUMMARY:Tom Graves author of Twice Heroes: American's Nisei Veterans of WWI I and Korea URL:/en/events/2013/08/03/tom-graves-author-of-twice-heroes-americans-nise/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR