BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130613T000000Z DTEND:20130901T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nikkei National Museum &amp\; Cultural Centre presents <em>Doub le Zero: The Point Between Future Past\, </em>art by Jeremy Isao Speier an d Junichiro Iwase. Speier and Iwase present contrasting minimalist aesthet ic approaches to social issues and popular culture.&nbsp\;Each artist brin gs a unique sensibility which is grounded in their Japanese ancestry.&nbsp \;Deeply inspired by the fragility\, vulnerability and pure beauty of eggs hells\, Junichiro Iwase uses this natural medium to explore perspectives o n contemporary society and social issues. In contrast\, Jeremy Isao Speier uses kinetics and obsolete technologies\, mostly made in Japan\, in conju nction with recycled and salvaged found objects from Vancouver\, which spe ak to urban gentrification and the loss of space.&nbsp\;A small catalogue will accompany the exhibit.\n<strong>Artist Talk</strong>\nThursday\, June 13\, 6 p.m.\n\n<strong>Opening reception\n</strong>Thursday\, June 13\, 7 -9 p.m.\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Japanese Avant-Garde Counter Cinema</s trong>\nFriday\, July 12\, 8-9 p.m.\n\nAdmission by donation. For more inf ormation\, please visit <a title="Double Zero: The Point Between Future Pa st. Art by Jeremy Isao Speier and Junichiro Iwase" href="http://www.centre " target="_blank"> /double-zero/<strong>&nbsp\;</strong></a> DTSTAMP:20241007T212807Z SUMMARY:Double Zero: The Point Between Future Past URL:/en/events/2013/06/13/double-zero-the-point-between-future-past/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR