BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130322T000000Z DTEND:20130427T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the <a href=" -22_hiraki-sawa/press-release/">James Cohan Gallery website</a> :\n\nHIRAK I SAWA: FIGMENT\n March 21 &ndash\; April 27\, 2013\n Opening Reception: T hursday\, March 21\, 2013\, 6 &ndash\; 8 PM\n \n James Cohan Gallery is pl eased to present Figment\, the gallery&rsquo\;s third solo exhibition of works by Japanese-born\, London-based artist Hiraki Sawa\, running from M arch 21 through April 27\, 2013. A reception for the artist will take pla ce on Thursday\, March 21\, from 6 &ndash\; 8 PM. \n \n Lineament (2012)\, the central installation\, is an immersive video and sound piece origina lly commissioned by the Shiseido Gallery\, Tokyo. This work is a continua tion of Figment\, a larger project initiated in 2009\, from which this ex hibition takes its name. Figment so far comprises three ambitious and inc reasingly surreal videos about the phenomenon of amnesia. The series take s its inspiration from\, and is an ongoing means of processing\, the sudd en-onset and complete memory loss of one of the artist&rsquo\;s friends.\ n\n... DTSTAMP:20241005T115901Z SUMMARY:Hiraki Sawa art exhibition URL:/en/events/2013/03/22/hiraki-sawa-art-exhibition/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR