BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130511T000000Z DTEND:20130511T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Celebrate the openings of <em>American Heroes: Japanese Americ an World War II Nisei Soldiers and the Congressional Gold Medal</em> and  <em>Portraiture Now: Asian American Portraits of Encounter</em> at this very fun and educational Target Day!\n\n<strong>ALL DAY CRAFTS AND ACTIVI TIES:</strong>\n<ul><li>Create a self-portrait that’s totally you!</li>< li>Have your portrait taken and make a customized picture frame for it!</l i><li>Mark your spot in history on our community timeline! <em>In collabo ration with JACL-PSW.</em></li><li>Ruthie’s Origami Corner: Make a Mothe r’s Day card!</li><li>Wall of thanks - All veterans are invited to have their photograph taken to be displayed so we can give a big JANM Family Da y thanks!</li></ul>\n\n<strong>SCHEDULE:</strong>\n<strong>11AM:</strong>  Doors open\n\n<strong>11AM-2PM:</strong> Kidding Around the Kitchen wil l help you make a self-portrait fruit face!\n\n<strong>12PM-2PM:</strong>  Drop by and meet a member of the 442nd\, 100th\, or M.I.S.! They will be signing baseball-style cards of themselves for you to take home!\n\n<stro ng>12PM-3PM:</strong> Let the Cartoon Slinger draw a fun caricature portr ait of you! <em>For children only\, line ends at 2:30PM. </em>\n<strong> 1PM-4PM:</strong> Learn more about the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team and support our troops with author Stacey Hayashi! Stacey is the author of the comic book<em>Journey of Heroes: The Story of the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team</em>. Activ ities will include:\n\n<ul><li>Write letters to soldiers stationed abroad and let them know how thankful you are for their service!</li><li><em>Jour ney of Heroes</em> coloring activity</li><li>Take your photo with charact ers from <em>Journey of Heroes</em>!</li></ul>\n\n<strong>1:30PM-3PM:</st rong> Say thank you to Japanese American Korean War and Japanese American Vietnam War Veterans in person!\n\n<strong>2PM:</strong> Author Ken Moch izuki will read his book <em>Heroes</em>. More about <em>Heroes</em>: Se t during the '60s with the Vietnam war going on and World War II popular i n the media\, Japanese American Donnie Okada always has to be the "bad guy " when he and his friends play war because he looks like the enemy portray ed in the media. When he finally has had enough\, Donnie enlists the aid o f his 442nd veteran father and Korean War veteran uncle to prove to his fr iends and schoolmates that those of Asian descent did serve in the U.S. mi litary.\n\n<strong>2:30PM:</strong> Take a tour of <em>Portraiture Now</ em> with Smithsonian exhibition curators Rebecca Kasemeyer and David Ward .\n\n<strong>4PM:</strong> Doors close\n\n<a href=" ents/2013/05/#11" target="_blank">For more information &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n<em >Generously sponsored by Target\, these special Saturdays are filled with fun activities giving families unique ways to learn\, play\, and grow toge ther.</em> DTSTAMP:20250113T210410Z SUMMARY:Target FREE Family Saturday: Picture This! URL:/en/events/2013/05/11/target-free-family-saturday-picture-this/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR