BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121201T000000Z DTEND:20121201T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Please join us in celebrating our 25th year!\n\nThe Japanese Am erican Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) will celebrate its 25<sup>th</sup> anniv ersary on Saturday\, December 1\, 2012\, 5:00 pm at the Hyatt Place San Jo se / Downtown\, 282 Almaden Blvd. in San Jose\, California.\n\nThe event w ill begin with wine tasting\, followed by dinner and program at 6:00 pm\, with featured guest speaker Dr. G. W. Kimura\, President/CEO\, Japanese Am erican National Museum. Mike Inouye of NBC Bay Area will serve as Master o f Ceremonies for the program\, which includes entertainment by the San Jos e Taiko. The event will honor the history of JAMsj and acknowledge communi ty centenarians.\n\nThere's something in store for everyone:\n\n<ul><li>Ke ynote by Dr. G.W. Kimura\, President and CEO of the Japanese American Nati onal Museum</li><li>Special Jack Matsuoka Signature wine tasting</li><li>P erformance by the internationally recognized San Jose Taiko </li><li>Live auction for unique items\, including a Hawaiian vacation time-share and a sushi-making party </li><li>Donation drawing - 1st place prize: $500.00. O ther prizes: cash and donated items. </li><li>Special recognition of cente narians of Japantown and JAMsj visionaries who led the way </li><li>Slide show detailing the JAMsj legacy </li></ul>\n\nTo register\, see form on we bsite\, <a href=""></a> or contact JAMsj at (408) 294-3138 or <a href=""> g</a>. The deadline to register is November 21\, 2012. The price for the 25th Anniversary Gala is $100. Parking vouchers can be purchased for $10 f or the Hyatt Parking lot for non-overnight guest.\n\nAbout JAMsj\nThe Japa nese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) showcases a unique collection of permanent and rotating exhibits chronicling more than a century of Japanes e American history. Visitors will learn about early immigration of Japanes e to America\, their leadership in the agricultural community\, their inca rceration during World War II and the challenges they faced\, while adapti ng and contributing to West Coast communities. JAMsj provides a historical forum that stimulates present day discussions on civil liberties\, race r elations\, discrimination and American identity. The museum is located at 535 North Fifth Street\, San Jose\, CA 95112. DTSTAMP:20250118T081148Z SUMMARY:JAMsj's 25th Silver Anniversary Gala URL:/en/events/2012/12/01/jamsjs-25th-silver-anniversary-gala/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR