BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121007T000000Z DTEND:20121007T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches (A3M) is proud to present HIR OSHIMA at its 15th annual fundraising event.&nbsp\;\n\nVibrant\, eclectic and truly original\, the 2010 grammy-nominated Hiroshima creates a musical world all its own. Featuring the luscious sound of June Kuramoto&rsquo\;s koto\, the thunder of o-taiko\, and the interwoven fabrics of Jazz\, Japa n\, Salsa and more\, their new CD and tour\, &ldquo\;DEPARTURE&rdquo\; jou rneys to the heart of their musical soul.\n\n<a href="http://www.hiroshima" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href="http://ww" target="_blank"></a>\n\nConcer t-only tickets are available from Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts: \nBox office (800) 300-4345 or&nbsp\;<a href=" m/" target="_blank"></a>\n\nSection A $87\nSection B $67\nSection C $57\nSection D $47\n\n10% discount available for purchases of 20 or more concert tickets\n\nWe look forward to seeing you at the con cert.&nbsp\;\n\nFor more information\, please visit the Facebook event pag e at&nbsp\;<a href=" f"></a>. DTSTAMP:20241003T104550Z SUMMARY:A3M’s 15th Annual Benefit Concert URL:/en/events/2012/10/07/a3ms-15th-annual-benefit-concert/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR