BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120414T000000Z DTEND:20120414T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Asian American Portraits of Encounter Between Image &am p\; Word</strong>\n\nSaturday\, April 14\, 2012\n11:15 AM to 5:00 PM\nNan Tucker McEvoy Auditorium\nNational Portrait Gallery\, Smithsonian Institut ion\nEight and F Streets\, NW\, Washington\, DC\n\nAsian American art and literature offer a collective portrait of Asian American identity and cult ure\, one that reflects on lived experience and its various textures.&nbsp \; The&nbsp\;<em>Asian American Portraits of Encounter: Between Image &amp \; Word</em>&nbsp\;symposium brings these critical efforts to light by sta ging encounters and conversations between acclaimed Asian American writers and the National Portrait Gallery&rsquo\;s groundbreaking exhibition &ldq uo\;<a href="">Portraitu re Now: Asian American Portraits of Encounter</a>.&rdquo\;&nbsp\; The&nbsp \;<em>Image &amp\; Word</em>&nbsp\;will feature original work that explore s the themes and feelings raised by the exhibition.&nbsp\; Come hear readi ngs by writers David Henry Hwang\, Garrett Hongo\, Bao Phi\, Marianne Vill anueva\, Marie Myung-Ok Lee\, Kazim Ali\, and Anna Kazumi Stahl.&nbsp\; Cu rators from the National Portrait Gallery will give a guided tour of an ex hibition that includes the work of artists CYJO\, Hye Yeon Nam\, Shizu Sal damando\, Roger Shimomura\, Satomi Shirai\, Tam Tran\, and Hong Chun Zhang .&nbsp\; The symposium and tour are both free and open to the public.\n\n< strong><em>Edgar P. Richardson Symposium: Asian American Portraits of Enco unter Between Image &amp\; Word</em></strong>&nbsp\;<em>is a joint project between&nbsp\;</em><em>the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program\, T he Asian American Literary Review\, and the National Portrait Gallery.&nbs p\;&nbsp\;</em><em>The Edgar P. Richardson Symposium was established at th e National Portrait Gallery with the generous support of Mr. Richardson&rs quo\;s longtime friend and fellow former National Portrait Gallery commiss ioner\, Mr. Robert L. McNeil Jr.&nbsp\; Named in honor of Edgar P. Richard son (1902 &ndash\; 1985)\, this symposium pays tribute to Mr. Richardson&r squo\;s significant contribution as a scholar and National Portrait Galler y commissioner.</em><em></em>\n<strong>Edgar P. Richardson Symposium:</str ong>\n<strong>Asian American Portraits of Encounter Between Image &amp\; W ord</strong> DTSTAMP:20240912T024259Z SUMMARY:2012 Symposium: Asian American Portraits of Encounter Between Image & Word URL:/en/events/2012/04/14/2012-symposium-asian-american-portraits-of-encoun / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR