BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120119T000000Z DTEND:20120121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Toshiki Okada's chelfitsch Ensemble to Perform Three Plays at M inneapolis' Walker Art Center\nFollowing a staged reading of his play Enjo y/Enjoi in Chicago last June\, playwright and director Toshiki Okada again brings his distinctive theatrical style to Midwestern stages with a stagi ng of an interconnected trio of his stories at Minneapolis' Walker Art Cen ter. Hot Pepper\, Air Conditioner\, and The Farewell Speech shows the live s of young office workers in Japan\, stumbling aimlessly through their day s\, looking for meaning and substance in the bowels of capitalism. This ma y resonate particulary well with the sensation of Minnesota in January.\n\ nDate:Thursday - Saturday\, January 19 - 21\, 8:00 PM \n\nPlace: Walker Ar t Center\n1750 Hennepin Ave\nMinneapolis\, MN 55403 DTSTAMP:20241203T153748Z SUMMARY: Toshiki Okada's chelfitsch Ensemble to Perform URL:/en/events/2012/01/19/toshiki-okadas-chelfitsch-ensemble-to-perform/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR