BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111129T000000Z DTEND:20111231T000000Z DESCRIPTION:For the month of December\, Navy Pier will be the center of Chi cago's holiday and seasonal festivities as it once again hosts the Winter WonderFest. As in years past\, many of Chicago's foreign consulates will b e sponsoring activities and decorating trees that are displayed throughout the pier. And the Consulate General of Japan at Chicago is no exception: a Japanese-themed Christmas tree will be on display through Sunday\, Janua ry 2. \n\nMoreover\, on Sunday\, December 3\, St. Matthew's Japanese Presc hool and Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai will be entertaining audiences in the e arly evening with a program of music and dance.\n\nDate Performance on Sat urday\, December 3\, 5:00 PM \n\nPlace Navy Pier\n600 East Grand Avenue\nC hicago\, IL 60611\n(Map)\nInfo\nWinter WonderFest at Navy Pier DTSTAMP:20250119T094516Z SUMMARY:Japanese Culture on Display at Navy Pier's Winter Wonderland URL:/en/events/2011/11/29/japanese-culture-on-display-at-navy-piers-winter/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR