BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120324T000000Z DTEND:20120324T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em></em>\n\nWith its iconic “fat drums\,” San Jose Taiko i s easily one of the South Bay’s most recognizable and popular cultural arts organizations\, wowing audiences since 1973. Each time they play her e\, this internationally recognized group fills the theater with sound\, color and physicality in a spectacular show of drumming and dance. Renown ed for a uniquely <em>sansei</em> \, or third generation Japanese-America n\, style\, San Jose Taiko blends ancient Japanese rhythms and movement w ith African\, Balinese\, Brazilian\, Latin and jazz percussion and contem porary dance. Troupe members not only perform\, but also compose\, choreo graph\, costume\, even handcraft the drums in this art form which celebra tes harmony.\n\nFor more information\, click <a href=" .gov/Departments/CommunityServices/Arts/EveningsofCulturalArts/SanJoseTaik o.aspx">here</a> .\n\nFor more information about San Jose Taiko\, please v isit the artists' websites\, <a href="">www.taiko.or g</a> .\n\n \n\n<a></a>\n<a></a>\nPurchase Tickets\n\n<a href="https://re">Click here</a>  to visit the Sunnyvale Recreation online registration site\, wh ere you can purchase tickets to this and other shows.\n\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20250118T002119Z SUMMARY:San Jose Taiko - Rhythm Journey Concert in Sunnyvale\, CA URL:/en/events/2012/03/24/san-jose-taiko-rhythm-journey-concert-in-sunnyva/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR