BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110727T000000Z DTEND:20110727T000000Z DESCRIPTION:CHICAGO FIRE VS COLORADO RAPIDS SOCCER GAME\n\nDATE: Saturday A ugust 27&nbsp\;\nFirefest (games and activities for kids) begins at 6pm&nb sp\;\nSoccer Game begins at 730pm&nbsp\;\n\nWHERE: Toyota Park&nbsp\;\n700 0 S. Harlem Avenue&nbsp\;\nLocated at 71st Street and Harlem Avenue&nbsp\; \nBridgeview\, Illinois 60455&nbsp\;\n\nCOST: $35&nbsp\;\n\nKosuke Kimura on the Colorado Rapids is&nbsp\;<em>the first and only Japanese player&nbs p\;</em>in Major League Soccer. In 2010 the Rapids won the 2010 MLS Cup th anks to Kimura scoring the game winning goal that took the Rapids into the playoffs. Born in Kanagawa\, Japan\, Kosuke and the Rapids will battle Ch icago&rsquo\;s Fire!&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>PREMIUM RESERVED SEATS in Section 1 05 rows 2-6 ONLY $35 ($10 savings off regular price)&nbsp\;\n\nTOP 5 TICKE T BENEFITS</strong>:&nbsp\;\n\n1) Enjoy the game up close in&nbsp\;<strong >Premium seats $10 below face value&nbsp\;</strong>(Section 105 rows 2 - 6 )&nbsp\;\n\n2)&nbsp\;<strong>PREGAME Activity for KIDS with Fire players o n the field</strong>: The first 15 tickets purchased for kids 12 years old and younger will participate in the<strong>&nbsp\;Tunnel of Fire</strong> . Each kid will receive a free T-shirt and see the players up close by bei ng on the field before the game during the National Anthem and starting li ne-ups!&nbsp\;\n\n3) First 10 people who pay for tickets will receive a&nb sp\;<strong>FREE Chicago Fire T-shirt&nbsp\;</strong>\n\n4) Everyone who b uys these tickets will be entered into a&nbsp\;<strong>drawing to win tick ets</strong>to a future Chicago Fire game&nbsp\;\n\n5) Proceeds of every t icket sold will&nbsp\;<strong>benefit one of the following charities</stro ng>: the Japan America Society of Chicago\, Aikido International Foundatio n\, JETAA\, or the Association of Asian American Yale Alumni!&nbsp\;\n\n<s trong>Buy your tickets to experience the game today!&nbsp\;\n\nTo purchase tickets and Tunnel of Fire reservations&nbsp\;\ninfo please contact:</str ong>\n<em><strong>PayPal:&nbsp\;</strong><a href="http://www.jaschicago.or g/"><strong></strong></a><strong>&nbsp\;or</strong></em> \n<em><strong>call (312) 263-3049</strong></em>\n<strong>Please specify th at you are buying a child ticket and would like&nbsp\;\nto reserve a spot in the Tunnel of Fire.&nbsp\;</strong>\n(Tickets will be left under your n ame at Toyota Park&rsquo\;s Will Call)&nbsp\;\n\nGroup Sponsors include:&n bsp\;\nAssociation of Asian American Yale Alumni (AAAYA)&nbsp\;\nAikido In ternational Foundation (AIF)&nbsp\;\nYoung Professionals Committee (YPC) o f the Japan America Society of Chicago (JASC)&nbsp\;\nJapanese Culture Cen ter (JCC)&nbsp\;\nJapan Exchange and Teaching Programme Alumni Association (JETAA)&nbsp\;\nMajor League Soccer&rsquo\;s Chicago Fire&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240909T015646Z SUMMARY:Kosuke Kimura at the CHICAGO FIRE VS COLORADO RAPIDS SOCCER GAME Be nefit URL:/en/events/2011/07/27/kosuke-kimura-at-the-chicago-fire-vs-colorado-rap i/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR