BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110528T000000Z DTEND:20111001T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Monogatari</strong>\n<strong>Tales of Powell Street (19 20-1941) </strong>\nExhibit May 28 &ndash\; October 1\, 2011\n\n<strong>Op ening party</strong>\, Friday\, May 27\, 7-9pm\n\nWe invite you to discove r the many <em>monogatari</em> (tales) of Powell Street - the vibrant pre- war commercial and residential district of the Japanese community in Vanco uver. By 1921\, most of Vancouver&rsquo\;s 4000 Japanese residents lived i n or within walking distance of the area. The street bustled with vegetab le and fish markets\, businesses\, traditional Japanese bath houses and fo od stores. It was a unique mingling of traditional Japanese culture with c ontemporary Canadian convenience.\nLabourers found inexpensive accommodati ons in boarding houses. Baseball fans packed Powell Grounds to watch the A sahi Baseball Team play. Families lived and worked in the area. Children w alked in groups to Strathcona School and then on to the Japanese Language School in the afternoon.\n\nIn 1942\, due to racism\, political and econom ic opportunism\, almost 22\,000 people of Japanese ancestry were uprooted from their homes in BC &ndash\; almost half of those people came from the Powell Street area. Only a few Japanese Canadians ever returned to the are a.\n\n<em>Also on exhibit:</em>\n<strong><em>Pow! the art of the festival </em> </strong>\n<em>Pow! the art of the festival</em> is a journey throug h the poster art that advertises and celebrates the Powell Street Festival . Through this exhibit\, we celebrate thirty-five years of Festival creati vity\, prosperity and community spirit. Like the Festival itself\, the pos ters have matured - from scrappy upstarts to polished creations. Many pos ters designers have gone on to become important artists in the community i ncluding Tamio Wakayama\, Kaori Kasai\, Lotus Miyashita\, Lynda Nakashima and Kathy Shimizu.\n\nJoin us for some fascinating programs!\n\nFilm Prese ntations:\n\n<strong>Minoru: Memory of Exile </strong> \, June 2\, 7pm.\n\ n<strong>Shirley Omatsu </strong> \, Ohanashi &ndash\; The Story of Our El ders\, August 4\, 7pm.\n Admission by donation\n\n<strong>Powell Street wa lking tours: </strong>\n\nThursday\, June 23\, 2pm\,\n\nSaturday\, August 27\, 10am\n\nFriday\, September 16\, 2pm.\n\nWalking tour fee is $10 and r eservations can be made by calling 604.777.7000\n\nShare your memories at the <strong>Powell Street Reunion</strong> &ndash\; June 17\, 12-2pm\n Fre e tea &amp\; coffee. Pre-order a Japanese lunch box by June 14 for $10.\n\ nThank you to our generous supporters:\n\nBC Arts Council\, Vancouver 125\ , The Vancouver Foundation\, Powell Street Festival Society\n\nMuseum hour s: Tuesday &ndash\; Saturday 11am &ndash\; 5pm\n\nFirst Thursday open unti l 9pm\n\ DTSTAMP:20241006T233902Z SUMMARY:Monogatari Tales of Powell Street (1920-1941) URL:/en/events/2011/05/28/monogatari-tales-of-powell-street-1920-1941/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR