BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100807T000000Z DTEND:20100807T000000Z DESCRIPTION:National Japanese American Historical Society (NJAHS) hosts the Japantown Cultural Tourism Initiative featuring Summer Youth Leadership Interns. The interns\, coined N&rsquo\;interns\, created their own digit al stories reflecting their experiences as Japanese Americans. &ldquo\;B reaking Perspectives&rdquo\; encapsulates the unique and distinct lenses through which they view their lives. &ldquo\;Voices Never Raised\,&rdquo \; by Tina Chong\, a senior at Scripps College in Southern California\, i s a personal reflection of her grandfather\, Hachiro John Togashi&rsquo\; s life and his experiences as a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Tea m\; &ldquo\;The Sound of Truth\,&rdquo\; by Devin Yoshikawa\, graduate of Sacramento State University\, interprets the atmosphere of social justic e movements in metal music\; and &ldquo\;The Shin-Nisei Experience\,&rdqu o\; by Stephen Yoshizawa\, a sophomore at UC Berkeley\, reflects on his l ife as a son of first generation Japanese immigrants of the 1980s. Instr ucting the N&rsquo\;interns was Lina Hoshino\, independent film producer of Leap of Faith: How Emanji Temple Was Saved\, and Caught in Between. T he N&rsquo\;interns spent a three-day intensive workshop on film editing\ , photoshop\, scripting\, voice recording\, and photographing. &ldquo\;It was a fun\, creative process exploring our lives and our identities&rdqu o\;\, according to Devin Yoshikawa.\n\nThe digital storytelling product is a part of the 9 week summer internship which also includes researching a nd conducting walking tours of San Francisco&rsquo\;s Japantown and libra ry archives management\, fieldtrips to neighborhoods\, and $20 a day in J apantown YouTube broadcast. Devin and Stephen are college students from the Nikkei Community Internship sponsored by Japanese Community Youth Cou ncil. Assisting the program participants is video technician is 2008 N&r squo\;intern Scott Yamada who will be attending University of the Pacific in the fall. The N&rsquo\;intern program is funded in part by the San F rancisco Japantown Foundation\, Hotel Kabuki\, and NJAHS members. &ldquo \;Breaking Perspectives&rdquo\; will be screened on Saturday\, August 7th \, 2010 at 11am &ndash\; 12noon at the NJAHS Peace Gallery. Q&amp\;A ses sion with the N&rsquo\;interns follows the presentation. The event is fr ee. Light refreshments served. DTSTAMP:20241005T152641Z SUMMARY: N'interns' Digital Story Telling\; Breaking Perspectives URL:/en/events/2010/08/07/ninterns-digital-story-telling-breaking-persp/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR