BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100515T000000Z DTEND:20100515T000000Z DESCRIPTION:National Nikkei Museum &amp\; Heritage Centre Auxiliary present s<strong>\n SPRING BAZAAR &amp\; PLANT SALE </strong>\n\nSATURDAY\,&nbsp\; MAY 15\, 2010\, 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.\n National Nikkei Museum &amp\; H eritage Centre\n 6688 Southoaks Crescent\, Burnaby\, B. C.\n\nFree Admissi on\n\nOrganized by NNM&amp\;HC Auxiliary&nbsp\;Committee\,&nbsp\;this fund raising event will feature good quality Japanese style items\, Spring Pla nts and delicious Japanese Food.\n\nDonations of items in good condition w ill be gratefully accepted by the Auxiliary on Tuesdays\, 10:00 A.M. - 11: 30 A.M.\n\nFor more information regarding the Spring Bazaar\, to reserve a table space\, or to donate items please contact one of the following Aux iliary Committee members:\n\nFrank Kamiya (plants)&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&n bsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\; 60 4-929-4476&nbsp\;(North Vancouver)\n Tom Tagami (Japanese Items)&nbsp\;&nb sp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; 604-521-4379 (Vancover)&nbsp\;\n Roberta Nasu (table re ntals) &nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; 604-432-6160 (Vancouver)\n Yoshi Hash imoto (general info)&nbsp\; &nbsp\; 604-850-7105 (Abbotsford)\n\nThe NNM&a mp\;HC Auxiliary is a volunteer organization and new members are always ve ry welcome. Simply leave your name with any member.\n\n<strong>Info &amp\ ; Media contact for Spring Bazaar</strong> \n Yoshi Hashimoto 604-850-7105 \n\n<strong>*JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY* </strong>\n\nIn conjunction with the S pring Bazaar\, the Japanese Canadian National Museum presents <strong>Japa nese Tea Ceremony</strong> by the Urasenke Tankoukai Vancouver Association on May 15 at 1pm and 2pm. <strong>Tickets $10\, Tel 604.777.7000</strong> .\n\nEnjoy a relaxing and uplifting bowl of <em>matcha</em> (powdered gree n tea) and <em>okashi </em> (sweet) served by Urasenke Tankoukai Vancouver Association in a traditional Japanese room with <em>tatami</em> (rice str aw mats) and a <em>tokonoma</em> (an alcove decorated with a calligraphic or pictorial scroll and flower arrangement).\n\n\nInfo for Tea Ceremony <a href=""></a> | 604.777.70 00\n Media contact for Tea Ceremony\n Nichola Ogiwara\, Program Coordinato r\n Japanese Canadian National Museum DTSTAMP:20240912T023255Z SUMMARY:Spring Bazaar and Plant Sale URL:/en/events/2010/05/15/spring-bazaar-and-plant-sale/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR