BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091228T000000Z DTEND:20091228T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On Monday\, December 28\, the eleven winning students of the “My Nikkei Identity” Composition Contest\, organized by the 110th Anni versary Commission of Japanese Immigration to Peru\, will be awarded. 155 works were submitted to this contest and the jury selected eleven winning works\, belonging to students from La Unión School and Hideyo Noguchi Sch ool. Among the eleven winning works\, the composition by the 5th year high school student from Hideyo Noguchi School\, Yuri Antuanett Aguirre Rojas\ , who participated under the pseudonym “Jape09\,” was the only one cho sen unanimously by the jury chaired by Alejandro Sakuda\, also executive p resident of the 110th Anniversary Commission\, and composed of historian A melia Morimoto\; narrator Augusto Higa\; the dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lima\, Víctor García Toma\; and the Director of the D epartment of Culture of the APJ\, Jorge Yamashiro. The eleven winning work s were turned into musical compositions thanks to the collaboration of the Peruvian Association of Authors and Composers (APDAYC)\, which thus joine d in the celebrations for the 110th anniversary of Japanese immigration. T he composition by student Aguirre Rojas\, which was unanimously voted for\ , was presented under the title “Corazón nikkei.” The other winners w ere Marcela Abe Kawashita (pseudonym “Niji”)\, Juana Rosa Kamy Acosta Sánchez (Yuki)\, Saori Horikawa Miyagui (Sao)\, Narumi Salazar (Nari)\, A ndrea Bustamante Yong (Teen Angel)\, Evelyn Alegría (La Prima)\, Renato L orenzo Pérez Vásquez-Solís (Yoru-kun)\, Kelly Nakandakari Takamure (Cla ro de luna)\, Carmen Hiromi Uyema Nakankari (Kinben) and Daniela Tokuda Oy afuso (Danii). According to the rules of this competition\, the participat ing students had to write an essay about Japanese immigration\, its signif icance\, its contribution to the country\, etc.\, and to do so they had to research with their parents and grandparents and collect their testimonie s. The members of the jury praised the submitted works and praised the fac t that the students had spoken with their parents\, grandparents and relat ives in order to learn about the history of Japanese immigration and its c ontribution to the development of the country. DTSTAMP:20250113T195922Z SUMMARY:Award Ceremony of the "My Nikkei Identity" Contest URL:/en/events/2009/12/28/ja-2190/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR