BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100213T000000Z DTEND:20100213T000000Z DESCRIPTION:FREE ALL DAY!\n\nCelebrate Valentines Day at JANM! Fun for the entire family!\n\n<strong>ALL DAY CRAFT ACTIVITIES: </strong>\n<ul><li>Sho w that you care by making flowers to give to someone special </li><li>Crea te a Valentine's Day card handmade with love </li><li>Ruthie's Origami Cor ner: Make an origami heart </li></ul>\n\n<strong> SCHEDULE: </strong>\n\n1 1 AM – 4 PM – Find out how Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world and receive a special Japanese themed Valentine’s Day gift\n\n11 A M – 4 PM – Come get your free Valentine’s Day cupcake from the Daint y Cakes LA truck! <em>(1 cupcake per child\, while supplies last) </em>\n\ n1 – 4 PM – Decorate and eat a sweet and delicious cookie at our very special Cookie Decorating Party put on by Parties by Stacy\n\n2 PM – Hea r one of our wonderful storytellers read the children's book <em>Valentine ’s Day</em>\n\nFor more info\, visit <a href=" /2010/02/#13" target="_blank"></a>\n<em></em>\n <em>Generously sponsored by Target\, these special Saturdays are filled wi th fun activities giving families unique ways to learn\, play\, and grow t ogether.</em> DTSTAMP:20250125T081220Z SUMMARY:Target Free Family Saturday: Valentine's Day URL:/en/events/2010/02/13/target-free-family-saturday-valentines-day/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR