JCCCW Online Japanese Summer Camp Ages 7-11
Ago 202116 | — | Ago 202120 |
Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington
1414 South Weller Street
Seattle, Washington, 98144
United States
Join us for our second Virtual Summer Camp. Featuring introductory Japanese language classes for complete beginners, covering beginning level hiragana and phrases as well as Japanese cultural classes and activities every day, kids can learn about onigiri, manga, martial arts, and more! Each day of camp will be around 2 hours in total with a short break between language and cultural activities. Learn about Japanese culture from the comfort of your home, and from anywhere in the country! This summer camp is perfect for students who want an introduction to the Japanese language and the opportunity to learn more about Japanese culture. Please note that the Japanese language lessons are introductory, for beginning students. Necessary class materials and supplies will be shipped to campers before the start of classes.
For Youth 7- 11 years of age
Dates: August 9-13, or August 16-20
Time: Approximately 2 hours between 9:30 am and 12 pm PDT
*Please note that there will be a short break between language classes and culture classes.
Cost: $200
For more details and to register, please visit https://www.jcccw.org/japanese-summer-camp.
For any questions about Summer Camp, please email summercamp@jcccw.org or call (206) 568-7114
jcccwa . Última actualización Jul 08, 2021 4:40 p.m.