The Wound and the Gift

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Film & Other Media

May 20209 May 202017

You and your family are invited to join us watch a film all week long at your leisure, with the opportunity to meet the director on the weekend.

Film screening
The Wound and The Gift
Available for viewing online May 9-17, 2020

The Wound and The Gift is a film about the animal rescue inspired by ancient Japanese fable about a wounded crane, saved by peasants, that attempts to express her gratitude with a gift - 鶴の恩返し. The fable is illustrated by Victo Ngai. The film is suitable for viewers of all ages. (83 minutes)

The film will be available on Vimeo, and the talk will be hosted on Zoom.

Meet the director Linda Hoaglund online
Presentation of stunning still images from filming in beautiful Hokkaido, and a moderated Q&A session.
Saturday, May 16, 2pm PST | 5pm EST

Please register online.



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NNMCC . Última actualización May 08, 2020 1:11 p.m.

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