Vancouver's 37th Powell St. Festival

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Community Event

Ago 20141 Ago 20143

Oppenheimer Park
Vancouver, British Columbia

Initiated in 1977, this popular Nikkei festival brings back to life for 3 days, the pre-World War Two Powell Street Japanese Canadian community that was where the Issei settled in Vancouver.

This year's festival theme is "Roots" and will feature performances by GRMLN, the noise pop project of Kyoto-born, southern California raised Yoodoo Park and local talent Kytami, Shout/White Dragon and Ontario/Quebec-based dancer Benjamin Kamino.

Visit for more information.


Masaji . Última actualización Ene 16, 2023 1:59 a.m.


agosto 2014


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Proyecto Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation