Fukushima: 1 Year After the Meltdown by Uncanny Terrain
Feb 20125 | ||
5:00a.m. |
1401 W. Wabansia
Chicago, Illinois
United States
High Concept Laboratories presents
A benefit reception for the documentary Uncanny Terrain
Uncanny Terrain video preview 6-7 PM
With live accompaniment by the film's composer Tatsu Aoki
and his band The Miyumi Project (jazz/Japanese classical fusion)
Art by David Tanimura
No cover (donations welcome—proceeds benefit the film)
RSVP required
Junko Kajino and Ed M. Koziarski spent the 2011 growing season filming the organic farmers of Fukushima, Japan battling to reclaim their land and livelihoods from nuclear fallout, for their documentary Uncanny Terrain. The Chicago filmmakers return this March to capture the recovery efforts a year after the 3/11 tsunami, earthquake and nuclear disaster.
Nonprofit arts service organization High Concept Laboratories presents a reception for Uncanny Terrain, Sunday, Feb. 5, 5-8 p.m. at 1401 W. Wabansia in Chicago. Proceeds benefit the filmmakers' return to Japan.
Fukushima: 1 Year After the Meltdown will a feature a video preview of footage from Uncanny Terrain, with live accompaniment by the film's composer Tatsu Aoki and his band The Miyumi Project, which performs a fusion of jazz and Japanese classical music. Aoki is a jazz bassist and a leader of the Chicago Asian American Jazz Festival and Tsukasa Taiko Legacy. Japanese American artist David Tanimura will showcase his digital collages inspired by the nuclear crisis. Refreshments will be served.
intrepidmouse . Última actualización Ene 25, 2012 5:11 p.m.