BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090909T000000Z DTEND:20090909T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Spend an evening discussing family and community farming in Cal ifornia with David Mas Masumoto. Masumoto is a third generation Japanese A merican artist/farmer who captures stories of his family and the land thro ugh &ldquo\;literary farming.&rdquo\; Masumoto&rsquo\;s latest book\,&nbsp \;<em>Wisdom of the Last Farmer: Harvesting Legacies from the Land</em>&nb sp\;recounts Masumoto&rsquo\;s experience of helping his father recover fr om a debilitating stroke. As Masumoto nurses his father back to health\, a nd becomes a teacher to the master who had once schooled him\, he reclaims the practical and emotional wisdom that they and their ancestors had lear ned from working the land.\n\nMasumoto will be joined by Novella Carpenter who will discuss her new book\,&nbsp\;<em>Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer</em>.\n\n<strong>Cost:</strong>\nFree for Japan Society and M echanics&rsquo\; Institute Members\n$12 General Admission\n\nTo register\, please call (415) 393-0100\nor email&nbsp\;<a></a>.\n\n <em>This event is presented by the&nbsp\;<a href=" /">Mechanics&rsquo\; Institute</a>&nbsp\;and co-sponsored by the&nbsp\;<a href="">Asia Society Northern California</a>. This is a co-sponsored event\; the admission pri ces are at the discretion of the event host and the Japan Society cannot g uarantee membership discounts. Guest passes issued by the Japan Society wi ll not be accepted.</em> DTSTAMP:20241003T191741Z SUMMARY:Back to the Land with Author David Mas Masumoto URL:/en/events/2009/09/09/back-to-the-land-with-author-david-mas-masumoto/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR