BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090111T000000Z DTEND:20090111T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Lawson Inada to Read at Event Marking William Stafford ’s & Oregon’s Birthdays</strong>\nSunday\, January 11th\, 2009\, at 2: 00 p.m.\nBeaverton City Library Auditorium\, 12375 SW 5th St.\, Beaverton\ n<a href=""></a>\n\ nLawson Fusao Inada\, Oregon Poet Laureate\, and Paul Merchant\, William S tafford archivist\, will read at a historic literary event honoring both < a href="">Oregon Reads 2009</a>\, in celebr ation of Oregon’s 150th birthday\, and the life and work of Oregon’s m ost beloved poet\, William Stafford. The event is scheduled for Sunday\, January 11th at 2 pm at the Beaverton City Library auditorium.\n\nInada wi ll read poems from Legends from Camp based on his family’s experience in a WWII internment camp for Japanese Americans. He will be joined by Paul Merchant who will read from Stafford’s writings in conscientious object or camps. This event commemorates William Stafford’s life as a conscie ntious objector\, as well as the World War II internment experience of the Yasui family relayed in Stubborn Twig by Lauren Kessler\, the book chosen for <a href="">Oregon Reads 2009</a>.\n\nT his event is free and co-sponsored by the Beaverton City Library and the F riends of William Stafford. For more information\, contact the library at 503 644-2197\, <a href="">www.beavertonlib</a>. DTSTAMP:20240911T141936Z SUMMARY:Lawson Inada reading URL:/en/events/2009/01/11/lawson-inada-reading/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR