BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070218T000000Z DTEND:20070218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Day of Remembrance 2007</strong>\n\n1:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Day of Remembrance events\n5:00 p.m. - Jake Shimabukuro in concert\n\nHood River will be the setting for commemorative public events on February 18\ , 2007\, honoring Hood River’s Japanese American history and heritage\, highlighted by a 5:00pm performance by ukulele phenomenon\, Jake Shimabuku ro. Preceding this concert\, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.\, the public is invi ted to attend public presentations and historical displays about the force d removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II.\n\n Tickets for the Jake Shimabukuro performance at the Hood River Middle Scho ol Auditorium\, on Sunday\, February 18 at 5:00 PM are available by teleph one: 541-386-2055\, or at Waucoma Bookstore\, Hood River\; Klindt’s Boo kstore\, The Dalles\; Collage of the Gorge\, White Salmon\; Artifice\, Ste venson\; Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center\, Portland. $15 Adult - $10 Senior ov er 62- $2 Student K-12.\n\nAll events will be held at the Hood River Middl e School\, 1602 May Street\, Hood River. Everyone welcome. No charge for pre-concert events.\n\nPreceding the concert\, individuals and community groups\, including ONLC and the Hood River County Historical Museum\, will present displays to educate about that period of history. There will be h istorical photos and displays\, cultural and artistic participatory events \, gift and book sales\, ethnic snacks and drinks\, and a silent auction.\ n\n1:00 p.m. - opening event: a special video presentation\, “Circle of Freedom\, Lost and Restored\,” by Connie Nice\, Museum Coordinator\, Hoo d River County Historical Museum. \n\n2:00 p.m. - panel presentation\, wit h the focus on Hood River’s Japanese American history and heritage. Spe akers: Lawson Inada\, Oregon’s poet laureate and professor of English\; Linda Tamura\, Willamette University professor\; and Peggy Nagae\, attorn ey and former assistant dean of the University of Oregon School of Law.\n\ n3:00-3:45 p.m. - introductory ukulele workshop for youth in the Middle Sc hool music room\, led by Larry Wyatt. Registration required: 541-386-205 5. No charge.\n\nBravissimo! Columbia Gorge Music and Arts Camp\, a speci al project of the Hood River County Education Foundation\, is the organize r and community sponsor of these events.\n \nFor Day of Remembrance and C oncert information: <a></a>\nFor information about Jak e Shimabukuro: <a></a> DTSTAMP:20250115T095142Z SUMMARY:Day of Remembrance\, Hood River\, Oregon URL:/en/events/2007/02/18/day-of-remembrance-hood-river/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR