BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080824T000000Z DTEND:20080827T000000Z DESCRIPTION:International Congress: Japanese Spiritual Heritage in Brazil\n August 24-27\, 2008\n\nIn the year of the 100th anniversary of Japanese Im migration to Brazil\, the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC /SP)\, through its Graduate Program of Religious Studies in partnership wi th the Mokichi Okada Foundation (Fundação Mokiti Okada) – MOA\, and wi th the support of the Brazilian Association of Japanese Studies (Associaç ão Brasileira de Estudos Japoneses – ABEJ)\, proposes the International Congress: Japanese Spiritual Heritage in Brazil – Modalities of Religio us Transplantation and Cultural Adaptation since 1908.\n\nThe purpose of t he congress is to help set up a system of interchange among Brazilian and foreign researchers from the various Human Sciences areas (Anthropology\, Sociology\, History\, Religious Studies\, among others) focused on Japanes e religions. Its goal is also to consolidate in form of specialized public ations\, the knowledge that will be produced and presented at the event. \ n\nLecturers from Japan\, the United States\, Australia\, Germany and Grea t Britain will participate in the Conference\, which is coordinated by Pro f. Frank Usarski and Prof. Neide Nagae. The conference will be a subsequen t event to the publication of a special edition of the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies on Japanese Religions in Brazil to which the Nanzan Ins titute for Religion and Culture (Nagoya) invited the conference organizer as a guest editor. \n\nHotsite:\nE-mail: co\nPhone: (11) 5087-5169/5134.\n\n\n DTSTAMP:20241010T131611Z SUMMARY:International Congress: Japanese Spiritual Heritage in Brazil URL:/en/events/2008/08/24/conferncia-internacional-herana-espiritual-japone s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR