BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050918T000000Z DTEND:20051110T000000Z DESCRIPTION:University of Hawai'i Art Gallery is currently presenting the H amilton Library's rare and special collections exhibition\; including hist orical documents\, and photographs\, poignant messages from AJA servicemen during World War II. \n\nFor the students of both Japanese and Japanese A mericans\, this exhibition gives the viewers a sense of history of people of Japan and Japanese ancestry. Especially the real physical materials spe ak to us powerfully. Such artifacts includes: the photographs of the Japan ese Americans in Hawai’i who were interned in the mainland in 1945\; lab or contracts in 1900\; the handwriting letter of AJA to the professors at UH during the service in WWII documenting their struggles with racism in t he U.S.\, especially in the South\, and the divisions between the Nisei fr om Hawai’i and those on the mainland.\n\nSome of the collections this ex hibit includes are introduced in the <a href="/en/affiliates/affiliate.php ?orgid=112">UH affiliation page</a> at the DiscoverNikkei website. \n\nUni versity of Hawai’i Art Gallery \nSeptember 18-Novebmer 10\, 2005\n<a hre f="">http://libweb.hawaii. edu/treasure/treasures.html</a>\n DTSTAMP:20241010T224421Z SUMMARY:Making Connections: Treasures from the University of Hawai'i Librar y URL:/en/events/2005/09/18/making-connections/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR