BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20081206T000000Z DTEND:20081206T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Based on the Maruyama family's history at Amache\, a story abou t Tsuki's desire to prove she is an individual. The 45-minute puppet show is for families with children in third grade and up. Presented by the Tr iumvirate Pi Theatre. $6 for youth\, children\, and members\; $12 non-mem bers.\n\nWhen: Saturday\, December 6\, 2PM\nWhere: Japanese American Nati onal Museum-- 369 E. First St. Los Angeles\, CA. 90012\n\nReservations ar e recommended. Space is limited. For updated information regarding the s chedule of events\, admission prices and hours\, visit or call 21 3.625.0414 DTSTAMP:20250113T103451Z SUMMARY:The Pink Dress Puppet Show\, Saturday\, December 6 URL:/en/events/2008/12/06/the-pink-dress-puppet-show--saturday-december-6/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR