Born in Foz do Iguaçu, western Paraná state, Brazil, he is the second son of Harry and Ligia Daijó. Married to Adriana Rodrigues Daijó for over 20 years, no children. Graduated in Law from the Bauru Law School - Toledo Educational Institution - ITE (06/24/1995), he began his professional career with the Public Prosecutor's Office of the state of São Paulo, in the District of Bauru/SP, under the guidance of Dr. Heitor Evaristo Fabricio Costa and Dr. João Costa Gomes. Postgraduate degree in Strategic Business Management (Executive MBA) - University of São Paulo - USP (08/15/2012) and also in Forest Management - Federal University of Paraná - UFPR (05/03/2019). Bachelor's degree in History from Uninter. Author of the articles "The urgency of learning the Portuguese language for Japanese immigrants in Brazil in the 1940s", published in Caderno Intersaberes (Curitiba, v. 11, n. 33, p. 37-56, 2022) and "Passages from Takahide Daijó's life correlated with Tomoo Handa's work 'The Japanese Immigrant'", published in Caderno Intersaberes (Curitiba, v. 12, n. 40, p. 6-24, 2023) - both in partnership with Prof. Dr. André Luiz Moscaleski Cavazzani. He also wrote the article "Excerpts from the diary of Japanese immigrant Takahide Daijó related to his union with Rosa Kiguti". He also has an international certification in environmental auditing by IEMA, a participant of ORCID (Connecting Research and Researchers). In the first half of the 90s, he was the guitarist and vocalist of the rock band LEXHARE and in the second half, he was president of the Progressive Party in Foz do Iguaçu. Between 2004 and 2006, together with journalists Andye Iore and Fábio Linjardi, he wrote regularly for the "anti-news" blog Factorama. In 2015, in partnership with his brother, Hedryk Genson Daijó, he published the book: "An awakening: behind the scenes of a transplant" (Editora Eureka). A businessman, Harry has been a managing partner of the company Expoagro – Exportadora Agropecuária Ltda. for 30 years. He founded the companies Expoagro SA, Iguassu Agronegócios Ltda., Rádio Foz-Lago Comunicadora Ltda. and Arte Final Cosméticos Ltda. He also founded the Association of Young Iguaçu Broadcasting Entrepreneurs (AJEIR) and the Panorama Artistic-Cultural Association. He was a partner in the SPE Construction and Incorporation of the Omoiru Building Ltda. and in the companies Riobase Mining Ltda. and Daijó & Filhos Import and Commerce Ltda. He is a partner in the companies Sysmob Technologies Ltda., Biogranos Monitor, Itoman Asset Management Ltda., Amadeus Real Estate Development Ltda. and Figueira da Foz Real Estate Development Ltda.
Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil
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