From Newsprint to New Media: The Evolving Role of Nikkei Newspapers, April 2, 2011


Discover Nikkei presented the public program, "From Newsprint to New Media: The Evolving Role of Nikkei Newspaper," on April 2, 2011 at the Tateuchi Democracy Forum of the Japanese American National Museum.

Nikkei community newspapers served an important role for a century as the glue that held together groups of immigrants with news and information about their communities as well as the latest from Japan. Later, their place in the community evolved as they served English-speaking Nisei and Sansei. But in recent years, the media industry has been in an upheaval, and many Nikkei community newspapers have shut down.

Moderator:  Gil Asakawa

- Gwen Muranaka, The Rafu Shimpo 
- Kenji Taguma, Nichi Bei Foundation / Nichi Bei Weekly
- Shigeharu Higashi, Cultural News 
- George Johnston, Nikkei Nation

The program included a historical overview by Gil Asakawa and presentations by the panelists, followed by a moderated discussion and questions from the audience covering topics such as the coverage of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, as well as local relief efforts; the viability of Nikkei media and the closing of some longtime newspapers in recent years; how can Nikkei media change to be relevant to younger demographics without alienating older generations; and the use and role of social media.

* This program was organized by Discover Nikkei, a project that provides opportunities to connect with others and share the Nikkei experience. The program was presented by the Japanese American National Museum with The Rafu Shimpo, Nichi Bei Foundation/Nichi Bei Weekly, Cultural News, and Nikkei Nation. Sponsored by DCA, LA County Arts, and The Nippon Foundation.

Discover Nikkei is a project of the Japanese American National Museum, made possible with major funding by The Nippon Foundation.

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A project of the Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation