Japan Festival Daley Center Plaza Chicago 1988


The Japan Festival held at the Daley Center Plaza in downtown Chicago in 1988, was part of the annual Asian / Pacific Awareness Month, held each May. This early performance included young dancers and other performers and served as an opportunity to show our unique Japanese American heritage. The Uchimotos were great supporters of the cultural exchange, training dancers, teaching music and organizing events.

Courtesy of the Uchimoto collection and CJAHS

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Japan Festival

Taiko drummers perform at the Japan Festival in June 1988 at the Daley Center.

Courtesy of CJAHS

Japan Festival Daley Center Plaza Chicago 1998
Contributed by: intrepidmouse

Kids at the Japan Festival

Young childern watch the many performances at the Japan Festival in the Daley Center.

Courtesy of CJAHS

Japan Festival Daley Center Plaza Chicago
Contributed by: intrepidmouse

Japan Festival

Many presenters spoke at the Japan Festival at the Daley Center. Pictured here is one of many who enlightened the crowd.

Courtesy of the CJAHS

Japan Festival Daley Center Plaza Chicago
Contributed by: intrepidmouse

Album Type

community history

intrepidmouse — Last modified Jun 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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