Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
For the 25th anniversary of the Japanese American Redress legislation, the Japanese American National Museum presented its fourth national conference “Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity” in Seattle, Washington from July 4 to 7, 2013. This conference brought fresh insights, scholarly analysis, and community perspectives to bear on the issues of democracy, justice, and dignity.
These articles stem from the conference and detail the Japanese American experiences from different perspectives.
Visit the conference website for program details >>
Stories from this series
A Daughter’s View of Minoru Yasui, “Civil Rights Hero”
Jan. 8, 2014 • Holly Yasui
My dad Minoru Yasui was always, or almost always my hero. But of course that was not true for everyone, nor at all times. When he initiated his test case in 1942, he was not considered a hero. The press labeled him a treacherous Jap spy, and the National Secretary of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) called him “a self-serving martyr … seeking headlines.” In 1944, when he visited the Heart Mountain draft resisters to try to persuade them …
Japanese Americans in Seattle
Nov. 25, 2013 • Tom Ikeda
I’ve been asked to talk about the history of Seattle’s Japanese American community. And because Densho has 750 oral history interviews and thousands of historic photographs, I thought it would be easy to pick out a few stories to share with you today. But the more I thought about the task, the more overwhelmed I became over the many choices. For example, I could talk about the Issei pioneers who came to Seattle in the 1880s and who worked in …
Tanka, Haiku, and Senryu as Documentary Literature: Democracy, Justice, and Dignity in the Poems of the Issei - Part 2/2
Nov. 20, 2013 • Teruko Kumei
Read Part 1 >> 3. American Populism: From Exclusion to Redress Anti-Japanese A 1907 New York Times article described this as "the Japanese invasion of the white man's world." Soon, the Gentlemen's Agreement was signed, followed by the 1913 California Alien Land Act, the suspension of passport issuance to picture brides in 1920, the 1922 Ozawa Takao ruling that determined foreigners could not be naturalized, and the 1924 Immigration Act that halted Japanese immigration. I have just picked out three …
Tanka, Haiku, and Senryu as Documentary Literature: Democracy, Justice, and Dignity in the Poems of the Issei - Part 1/2
Nov. 18, 2013 • Teruko Kumei
Today's session is entitled "Democracy as expressed in Tanka, Haiku, and Senryu," and we will first look at his early works as "literature of the people," then at works that describe American life as "records of life, poetry of emotion," and finally at "American Populism: From Exclusion to Redress." 1. Popular Literature Haiku, tanka, and senryu are literary forms that could be called the "national literature" of Japan, and were rooted in the lives of ordinary people. Naturally, they were …
In My Parents’ Words – Issei Voices from Department of Justice Camps
Nov. 4, 2013 • Satoru Ichikawa
My father was the resident minister of the Seattle Buddhist Church. The construction of the temple on 14th Avenue & Main Street was nearing completion. It carried a heavy mortgage and payments had to be made. A cornerstone laying ceremony was held on March 16, 1941. These jubilant members had no idea that WWII would start later that year to disrupt their lives. War broke out between Japan and the U.S. with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, HI on December …
Keynote Address at Japanese American National Museum’s National Conference on July 6, 2013 in Seattle, Washington
Oct. 29, 2013 • Norman Y. Mineta
You know, this evening I was originally supposed to speak here tonight in a conversation with Senator Daniel K. Inouye. But as all of us know, our community and our nation suffered a very great loss with his passing and that loss is definitely felt tonight. Of all the stories that I’ve ever heard or could tell about our great friend, Senator Dan Inouye, there is one that will always stand out in my mind. In the darkest days of …
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