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Research on Japanese American Literary Magazines: Focusing on Japanese Language Magazines

7 Jan 2011 - 25 Nov 2011

Many Japanese-language magazines for Japanese Americans were lost during the chaotic times of war and the postwar period, and were discarded because their successors could not understand Japanese. In this column, we will introduce annotations of magazines included in the collection of Japanese-American literary magazines, such as "Shukaku," a magazine that was called a phantom magazine because only the name was known and the actual magazine could not be found, as well as internment camp magazines that were missing from American records because they were Japanese-language magazines, and literary magazines that were also included by postwar immigrants.

All of these valuable literary magazines are not stored in libraries or elsewhere, but were borrowed from private collections and were completed with the cooperation of many Japanese-American writers.

*Reprinted from Shinoda Satae and Yamamoto Iwao, Studies on Japanese American Literary Magazines: Focusing on Japanese Language Magazines (Fuji Publishing, 1998).

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『南加文藝』-ロサンゼルスに根づいた文芸誌 -その5/5

Nov. 25, 2011 • Sataye Shinoda

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Nov. 11, 2011 • Sataye Shinoda

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Authors in This Series

Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Tokyo Kasei University. Graduated from the Graduate School of Japan Women's University. Specializes in Japanese-American history and literature. Major works: Co-edited and authored "Collection of Japanese American Literary Magazines," co-authored "Japanese Culture in North and South America" ​​(Jinbun Shoin, 2007), co-translated "Japanese-Americans and Globalization" (Jinbun Shoin, 2006), co-translated "Yuri Kochiyama Memoirs" (Sairyusha, 2010), and others.

(Updated February 2011)

Professor Emeritus at Ritsumeikan University. Specializes in Japanese American and Canadian literature. Major works include co-authored Reading Contemporary European Literature (Yuhikaku, 1985), co-edited Anthology of Japanese American Literary Magazines, 22 volumes in total and 1 supplement (Fuji Shuppan, 1997-1998), co-authored Postwar Japanese Canadian Society and Culture (Fuji Shuppan, 2003), co-edited Japanese Culture in North and South America (Jinbun Shoin, 2007), and co-translated Collected Works of Hisae Yamamoto: Seventeen Characters and 18 Other Pieces (Nagundo Phoenix, 2008).

(Updated January 2011)