Richard Murakami
Richard Murakami is a Sansei living in Southern California. In May 1994 he became a volunteer at the Japanese American National Museum. His duties include teaching student tour groups fundamental origami; member of the volunteer photographers team; and various other duties. In 1969, he accepted an invitation to join the Uptown Optimist Club and served as President, Secretary, and Board Member, as well as Zone Lt Governor. Accepted an invitation to participate in Nisei Week where he served as Parade Committee Chair, Queen Committee Chair, Board Member, and other committee roles. Richard was the first minority elected President of the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors. (photo by Tomomi Kanemaru)
Updated September 2018
Stories from This Author
My Experience with Nikkei Children at the 2018 Tule Lake Pilgrimage
Sept. 3, 2018 • Richard Murakami
This year was my third Tule Lake Pilgrimage and it was extra special for me. An important event at the pilgrimage is an “Intergenerational Group Discussion,” where attendees are assigned to be a member of a group. Our group had 12 people in it, including two facilitators and me. The youngest members of our group were eight and eleven years old. Sansei adults made up the rest of the group. I was designated as the group’s “Resource Person.” According to …
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