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Taiko is a reflection of where you live
Senshin Buddhist Temple minister and co-founder of Kinnara Taiko.
Playing traditional gagaku while creating an identity
Senshin Buddhist Temple minister and co-founder of Kinnara Taiko.
Taiko as self-expression
Co-founder and creative director of San Jose Taiko
A “principally-based” taiko group in England creating a global taiko community
Co-founder and creative director of San Jose Taiko
Learning Japanese at school and at home with family
(b.1951) Co-founder and managing director of San Jose Taiko.
Defining a Taiko player
(b.1951) Co-founder and managing director of San Jose Taiko.
Being accepted as biracial family
(b.1944) Founder of Kobayashi Group, LLC
Memories of railroad workers who stayed at family's prewar hotel in Spokane, Washington
(b. 1923) Chick sexer
Growing up with Japanese language and values
(1925 - 2018) Nisei educator from Hawai‘i
Japanese American taiko is not Japanese taiko
(b. 1949) Musician and arts educator and adminstrator.
Parents didn't accept me playing taiko in the beginning
(b. 1949) Musician and arts educator and adminstrator.
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