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Japanese school
(b.1924) Japanese Canadian Nisei. Interpreter for British Army in Japan after WWII. Active in Japanese Canadian community
Strict school policy of separating boys and girls in Japan
(b.1920) Japanese Canadian Nisei. Established the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Toronto
Growing up outside of Portland’s Japanese community
(b. 1921) Nisei businessman. Established "Made in Oregon" retail stores
Education in a Buddhist temple and a country school
(1914-2018) Founder of the largest gladiolus bulb farm in the United States.
Closing the Japanese school and deportation (Spanish)
(b. 1932-2016) Peruvian painter
Learning Japanese at school and at home with family
(b.1951) Co-founder and managing director of San Jose Taiko.
Nikkei means fusion (Spanish)
(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.
Going to Japanese school
(1923-2011) Lawyer, MIS veteran, founder of Francis and Sarah Sogi Foundation
Feeling closer to Japan as a Japanese American
(1923-2011) Lawyer, MIS veteran, founder of Francis and Sarah Sogi Foundation
To think in one language and live in another (Spanish)
Sansei Argentinean
Running a laundry service in Argentina (Japanese)
(b. 1917) Okinawan, Issei Argentinean
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