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Feeling closer to Japan as a Japanese American
(1923-2011) Lawyer, MIS veteran, founder of Francis and Sarah Sogi Foundation
Thoughts on relationship between Japanese Peruvians and Japanese Americans at Crystal City, Texas
(1937 - 2021) Teacher
Father interrogated by FBI, but not taken away
(1925 - 2018) Nisei educator from Hawai‘i
The political effects on Nikkei during the war (Spanish)
(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman
Avoiding the Japanese military
(1914-2004) Nisei Bonsai master in the United States
Government sold Japanese Canadian properties for little money
(b. 1928) Doctor. Former Chair of the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation.
Questioning Curfew
(1918-2012) Fought the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066.
A Dutiful Son
(1918-2012) Fought the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066.
Challenges of finding a summer job
Judge, only Japanese American to serve on CWRIC.
Traumatic experiences before camp
(1913-2013) Doctor specializing in obstetrics in Southern California
“Everybody went in like sheep”
(1913-2013) Doctor specializing in obstetrics in Southern California
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