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Need generational change in Japanese community (Spanish)
(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist
Defining the term "Nikkei" (Portuguese)
Former Director, Museu Histórico da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil
Brazilian of Japanese descents (Portuguese)
Former Director, Museu Histórico da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil
Nikkei community concentrated in São Paulo (Portuguese)
Former Director, Museu Histórico da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil
Changing life styles of successive generations (Portuguese)
Former Director, Museu Histórico da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil
On the Importance of Role Models
(b. 1942) The first Asian American woman judge
Defining "Nikkei" through lineage and community involvement (Spanish)
Nisei Paraguayan, Researcher
The term Nikkei reflects ties to Japan (Spanish)
Nisei Paraguayan, Researcher
The reactions of others when I got my American citizenship (Japanese)
Shin-Issei from Gifu. Recently received U.S. citizenship
Americanized values (Japanese)
Shin-Issei from Gifu. Recently received U.S. citizenship
The multicultural perspective
(b.1960) Third-generation taiko drummer, leader of Maui Taiko
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