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Spending time with children
(b.1926) Democratic politician and three-term Governor of Hawai'i

Little interaction with parents
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Gordon's parents' experience in prison
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Sings traditional plantation labor song (ho-le ho-le bushi) in Japanese and Hawaiian
(b.1900) Issei plantation worker in Hawai'i.

Wife's family in Japan
(b.1942) Japanese American ceramist, who has lived in Japan for over 30 years.

New Year's food
(b.1964) California-born business woman in Japan. A successor of her late grandmother, who started a beauty business in Japan.

Food growing up
(b.1948) Nikkei from Southern California living in Japan.

His parents' experience with Japanese resistance toward intermarriage with Okinawans
(b.1925) Nisei of Okinawan descent. Had a 38-year career in Japan as a baseball player, coach, scout, and manager.

Working in cane fields as teenager to supplement family income
(b.1925) Nisei of Okinawan descent. Had a 38-year career in Japan as a baseball player, coach, scout, and manager.

Relationship with my father
(b. 1920) Incarcerated during World War II. Active member of the Japanese Canadian community

Arranged marriage
(b.1912) Japanese Canadian Issei. Immigrated with husband to Canada in 1931

Marrying Bob against family’s wishes
(b.1920) Japanese Canadian Nisei. Established the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Toronto
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