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Japan's impact on the image of Nikkei in Brazil (Portuguese)
Former Director, Museu Histórico da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil
Going to Brazil to escape debt (Japanese)
(1911-2010) Founder of JACTO group
Learning skills by watching others work (Japanese)
(1911-2010) Founder of JACTO group
Repaying Brazil by educating the technicians (Japanese)
(1911-2010) Founder of JACTO group
Delivering know-how to the next generation (Japanese)
(1911-2010) Founder of JACTO group
Life as a student in São Paulo (Japanese)
A central figure for the “Makegumi” (defeatists)
Makegumi - Movement to regognize the defeat of Japan (Japanese)
A central figure for the “Makegumi” (defeatists)
What prompted heavy religious involvement (Japanese)
A central figure for the “Makegumi” (defeatists)
Experiences in the inland colony (Japanese)
A central figure for the “Makegumi” (defeatists)
Closing the Japanese school and deportation (Spanish)
(b. 1932-2016) Peruvian painter
Japanese wife with American citizenship
Sansei Japanese American living in Japan and Kendo practioner
Moving to Brazil wanting to see the world (Japanese)
Kasato-maru immigrants
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