Serving in Tokyo
Tokyo? Well, we got assigned to a place called Economic and Scientific Section in General MacArthur’s headquarters. But, Jimmy doesn’t move very fast. You know. They were asking me, “Hey, didn’t you know you were supposed to go down to the office and get an assignment?” I said, “Okay, I’ll go tomorrow.” When I got there, the days later that I got down there, they said, “Where have you been?” I said, “Is there something open?” “Yeah, we got one last space left for you.” And that was the labor department. Nobody wanted assigned to labor. But you get to meet the people. You’re not going to meet the higher ups, you meet the people. Not that was planned, but I said yeah, I’ll take it. So I was the labor department.
Date: February 6, 2015
Location: California, US
Interviewer: John Esaki
Contributed by: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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