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President Fujimori as elected by Peru's general public (Japanese)
(b. 1948) Executive Director of Amano Museum

The Nikkei community's view toward Former President Fujimori (Japanese)
(b. 1948) Executive Director of Amano Museum

“I could never get a job offer from a private law firm”
(b. 1934) The First Japanese American Appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals.

How he got into politics
(b. 1931) U.S. Former Secretary of Transportation

Receiving support from Sonia Sotomayer to run for the bench
Sansei judge on the Superior Court of Los Angeles County in California

Political motivation to keep the camps open until end of 1944 election
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist

Role of Hawaii internationally
(b.1926) Democratic politician and three-term Governor of Hawai'i

Relationship with S.I. Hayakawa
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Past ties to present situation in Middle East
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Finding supporters for the bill
(b. 1931) U.S. Former Secretary of Transportation

Thoughts on redress
(b. 1923) Nisei from Washington. Resisted draft during WWII.

Getting Jim Wright to sponsor the bill
(b. 1931) U.S. Former Secretary of Transportation

Redress payments to Issei who did not enter camps
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
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