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Japanese Americans are more aware of their Hapa identity
(b. 1965) filmmaker and artist
The performing arts not for Nisei
Senshin Buddhist Temple minister and co-founder of Kinnara Taiko.
American influences on Japanese taiko
Senshin Buddhist Temple minister and co-founder of Kinnara Taiko.
Appreciating Kinnara Taiko's approach to taiko
Senshin Buddhist Temple minister and co-founder of Kinnara Taiko.
A Japanese American gardening dance
Senshin Buddhist Temple minister and co-founder of Kinnara Taiko.
Playing traditional gagaku while creating an identity
Senshin Buddhist Temple minister and co-founder of Kinnara Taiko.
Taiko as self-expression
Co-founder and creative director of San Jose Taiko
A “principally-based” taiko group in England creating a global taiko community
Co-founder and creative director of San Jose Taiko
Dancing in Japan as an American, in the US as Japanese
(1918-2023) Nisei Japanese kabuki dancer
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